Flair's ProfileLast logged in:  November 20, 2014
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Personal Details
Looking for a:Woman
Who is:18 to 44 years old
I am from:pretoria central, Pretoria, South Africa

Profile Details
Basic Information
Marital Status: Single
Religion: Christian / Catholic
Referred by: Online Banner Ad
Descriptive information
Date me: outgoing, fun, loving and caring.... entertain my needs (sexual)... i need a brave woman who likes taking up new challenges such as: business ventures, leadership roles, work/job opportunity and further Education.... i need a women who have good listen skills, to avoid arguments (i also hav good listen skills too) and must have a good problem solving skill and she must be talkative, so that will hav a health relation with no grudge and issues
What I want: fun, loving and caring.. and romantic... intelligent, smart and good business and goal orientated individual... good sense of humor, love sex but only with the person i will be dating at that moment.... i hav many interest: Choral/Opera Music is number 1, however i'm also fascinated about sport as my favorite hobby....... Rugby, soccer, cricket, athletics and aquatic sport.... i am someone who will not mind to be hurts by truth rather than lies...... My weakness is that i don't like hurting a women, if i do, its not intentional and the matter will be something minimal/little , i always smiles, even when i should act oppositely.... i wouldn't mind to spend my last cent for her, just to make her happy, and struggle later because i don't hav money. the last one is that i'm a straight talker.....