Meshayne's ProfileLast logged in:  June 19, 2015
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Personal Details
Looking for a:Man
Who is:45 to 75 years old
I am from:Klipspruit-West, Johannesburg, South Africa
Not Rated

Profile Details
Basic Information
Marital Status: I'll tell you later
Religion: Christian
Languages: English, Afrikaans
Referred by: Web Search Engine
Physical Appearance
Ethnicity: Other
Height: I'll tell you later
Body Type: Average
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Auburn
Body art: Strategically placed tatoo, Pierced...ear(s)
Best feature: Succulent lips
Sense of humor: Goofy: Cartoons still crack me up, Friendly: I'll laugh at anything
Exercise: Once a week
Daily diet: Meat, starch and veg
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: Socially
Living situation: I'll tell you later
Kids: Yes - at home full-time
Want children: No
Professional Life
Job schedule: I'll tell you later
Current annual income: I struggle to make ends meet
Employment status: Homemaker
Education: Some tertiary education
Hobbies: I love cooking,baking and reading books when I'm at home.I enjoy the outdoors like going swimming,camping or just for a picnic where there is lots of trees and water.- also enjoy playing snooker and watching movies.I love movies where Jon Travolta acts in and Nicolaas cage.- also love listening to music.favourite singer is Celion Dion
Hot spots: I love eating at Spurs
Sports: Aerobics, Swimming, Cycling, Dancing, Walking / Hiking
Favorite things: My favourite food to eat is curry.My best colour is Brown and I love Celion Dion music
Last reading: Book I'm still busy reading is How to Maximise my life by Brain Houston.Still trying to figure out what I need in life
Common interests: Exercising, Nightclubs/Dancing, Camping, Cooking, Business Networking, Dining out, Fishing / Hunting, Movies / Videos, Music and concerts, Performing arts, Playing cards, Playing sports, Religion / Spiritual, Travelling
Descriptive information
Date me: I am a fun loving person who is easy going.I'm abit shy at times.I believe in honesty and respect.I am half human and half beast if you know what I mean.I am also a very romantic person
What I want: A fun loving person who knows how to treat a lady and give her a good time