safariman's ProfileLast logged in:  May 25, 2016
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Personal Details
Looking for a:Woman
Who is:45 to 99 years old
I am from:fairleads, Benoni, South Africa

Profile Details
Basic Information
Marital Status: Divorced
Religion: I'll tell you later
Languages: English
Physical Appearance
Ethnicity: Caucasian (white)
Height: 5' 9" (175 cm)
Body Type: Slim
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Best feature: Eyes
Sense of humor: Friendly: I'll laugh at anything, Campy: The cheesier, the better
Exercise: Daily
Daily diet: Meat, starch and veg
Smoking: Sometimes
Drinking: On special occasions
Living situation: Live with familiy member(s)
Kids: Yes - but not at home
Want children: No
Professional Life
Job schedule: I hardly work
Current annual income: I have just enough
Employment status: Self-employed
Education: Masters degree
Hobbies: safaris,travel,internet
Hot spots: I'll tell you later
Sports: Golf, Bowling, Cricket
Favorite things: just about any food
Last reading: I'll tell you later
Common interests: Travelling, Shopping / Antiques, Performing arts, Music and concerts, Movies / Videos, Dining out, Coffee and conversation, Cooking, Camping
Descriptive information
Date me: l am just a normal guy, love affection and travel One small problem...l have had a stroke so need a little help now and again. Lets see how many will now contact me??/
What I want: must love dogs, cats,elephants and all animals some one who knows how to laugh, be them selves and who loves cooking as l do