Mazawattee's ProfileLast logged in:  January 21, 2022
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Personal Details
Looking for a:Woman
Who is:50 to 67 years old
I am from:Fish Hoek, Cape Town, South Africa

Profile Details
Basic Information
Marital Status: Single
Religion: Spiritual but not religious
Languages: English
Referred by: Referred by a friend
Physical Appearance
Ethnicity: Caucasian (white)
Height: 6' 1" (185 cm)
Body Type: Average
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: White/gray
Best feature: I'll tell you later
Sense of humor: Clever: Nothing's better than a quick-witted comeback
Exercise: A few times a week
Daily diet: Quick and easy
Smoking: No
Drinking: Socially
Living situation: Live alone
Kids: Yes - but not at home
Want children: No
Professional Life
Job schedule: I'll tell you later
Current annual income: I'll tell you later
Employment status: Self-employed
Education: Bachelors degree
Hobbies: I'll tell you later
Hot spots: I'll tell you later
Favorite things: I'll tell you later
Last reading: I'll tell you later
Common interests: Travelling, Shopping / Antiques, Political interests, Performing arts, Museums and art, Movies / Videos, Hobbies and crafts, Dining out, Coffee and conversation, Business Networking
Descriptive information
Date me: Years in the Advertising, Film and Television Industry.......just wanna have fun and see what the Universe offers up!! I�m an eccentric, pedantic, off the wall creative animal with a bizarre streak in being domesticated Always wear caps, only wear 501�s and loooove movies!! And I guess, I look forward to the opportunity to be able to say again....."This is my wife!!"
What I want: Well........if you look in the mirror and love what you see, perfect. If your favourite two items of clothing are wrecked denims and tiny tops, great. If you love wearing your old tatty cut up denim shorts. If you like holding hands and being affectionate in public. If you love having meaningful healthy debates. If you can lie in bed reading and be happy just to touch toes. If you can laugh at life�s hassles. If you can look at your partner across a busy room and know your love is strong. If you�re naughty, we�re the same. If you�re an independent free spirit. If you believe you�re small, petite, thin, tall or skinny.