Ronny's ProfileLast logged in:  August 5, 2019
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Personal Details
Looking for a:Woman
Who is:22 to 28 years old
I am from:Fourways, Johannesburg, South Africa
Not Rated

Profile Details
Basic Information
Marital Status: Single
Religion: Christian
Languages: English, Other
Referred by: Web Search Engine
Physical Appearance
Ethnicity: Black / African
Height: 5' 2" (157 cm)
Body Type: Fit
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Best feature: Eyes
Sense of humor: Goofy: Cartoons still crack me up, Friendly: I'll laugh at anything
Exercise: A few times a week
Daily diet: Keep it healthy
Smoking: No
Drinking: Socially
Living situation: I'll tell you later
Kids: No
Want children: Yes
Professional Life
Job schedule: I�m a regular 9 to 5�er
Current annual income: I make a comfortable living
Employment status: Full-time
Education: Bachelors degree
Hobbies: Normally I enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, quad biking, exploring from different restaurants to different outdoor activities to do as I feel I always want to learn more and have fun in the process
Hot spots: Favorite hangouts would be at mall of Africa, cedar square or Monte casino as they have great relaxing chilled and good restaurants to eat at and get to have pleasant food and very warm and comfortable too
Sports: Aerobics, Running, Basketball, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis / Racquet sports, Cycling, Dancing, Football
Favorite things: Love eating pasta Sky blue is my favorite color Favorite music I listen to everything Aslong as it interests me but right now I listen to a lot of gospel Hip Hop music
Last reading: I read biography, non fictional or business books and novels. The last novel I read was a crime and investigation novel those are my favorite genre where it always keeps me intrigued and my mind guessing on the next mystery to occur
Common interests: Exercising, Business Networking, Coffee and conversation, Dining out, Hobbies and crafts, Movies / Videos, Museums and art, Music and concerts, Playing sports, Religion / Spiritual, Shopping / Antiques, Travelling
Descriptive information
Date me: I'd say I enjoy exploring alot, am patient and very jokeful as I don't enjoy awkward moments, I love sharing my experiences with someone else doing things together And learning off one another. Having fun and laughter and also motivating and growing each other to always be better.
What I want: Looking for someone whose patient enough to know me, who takes good care of herself, who is willing to explore and have fun who isn't uptight, who is ready to be in a serious relationship