oneofme's ProfileLast logged in:  December 5, 2018
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Personal Details
Looking for a:Man
Who is:33 to 50 years old
I am from:sw1, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa

Profile Details
Basic Information
Marital Status: Divorced
Religion: I'll tell you later
Languages: English, Afrikaans
Referred by: Web Search Engine
Physical Appearance
Ethnicity: Caucasian (white)
Height: 5' 9" (175 cm)
Body Type: A few extra pounds
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Black
Body art: Strategically placed tatoo, Visible tattoo
Best feature: Eyes
Sense of humor: Campy: The cheesier, the better, Goofy: Cartoons still crack me up, Clever: Nothing's better than a quick-witted comeback, Slapstick: Ask me about my favorite episode of 'I Love Lucy'
Exercise: I'll tell you later
Daily diet: I'll tell you later
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: Socially
Living situation: I'll tell you later
Kids: Yes - at home full-time
Want children: I'll tell you later
Professional Life
Job schedule: I'll tell you later
Current annual income: I'll tell you later
Employment status: Full-time
Education: I'll tell you later
Hobbies: Love Series and a good movie, enjoy a braai and a good night in and a good night out
Hot spots: I'll tell you later
Favorite things: I'll tell you later
Last reading: I'll tell you later
Common interests: Camping, Dining out, Hobbies and crafts, Movies / Videos, Music and concerts, Playing cards, Shopping / Antiques, Travelling
Descriptive information
Date me: Im truly one of a kind individual who knows what I want , enjoy a good laugh but serious about life to
What I want: looking for someone who I can have an intellectual conversation with and also have a bit of weirdness such as myself