Don Roberto's ProfileLast logged in:  February 20, 2019
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Personal Details
Looking for a:Woman
Who is:26 to 43 years old
I am from:Bassonia, Johannesburg, South Africa
Not Rated

Profile Details
Basic Information
Marital Status: Single
Religion: Christian
Languages: Afrikaans, English
Referred by: Web Search Engine
Physical Appearance
Ethnicity: Other
Height: 5' 10" (178 cm)
Body Type: Full figured
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Blackish Brown
Best feature: Cute tushy
Sense of humor: Goofy: Cartoons still crack me up, Clever: Nothing's better than a quick-witted comeback, Dry / Sarcastic: I'm not bitter because I'm single. Quite the opposite
Exercise: Once a week
Daily diet: Meat, starch and veg
Smoking: No
Drinking: Socially
Living situation: Live with familiy member(s)
Kids: Yes - at home part-time
Want children: Yes
Professional Life
Job schedule: I�m a regular 9 to 5�er
Current annual income: I make a comfortable living
Employment status: Full-time
Education: Some tertiary education
Hobbies: I�m a very placid,down to earth and homely kind of person. I am open to new experiences,ideas and challenges. I can also enjoy being outdoors whether it being hiking,the beach, pool sliding or just simply just having a picnic. Love cooking it�s just simply one of my specialities.
Hot spots: Back of the moon. Turn and Tender Steakhouse. Carlistos. Burgerack, Mash Braaihouse, Spur. Something Fishy. I could go on lol
Sports: Weights / Machines, Walking / Hiking, Dancing, Tennis / Racquet sports, Bowling, Swimming, Running
Favorite things: I'll tell you later
Last reading: News24 ;)
Common interests: Travelling, Shopping / Antiques, Religion / Spiritual, Music and concerts, Movies / Videos, Dining out, Coffee and conversation, Cooking, Camping, Nightclubs/Dancing, Exercising
Descriptive information
Date me: I�m very a affectionate and loving person. I�m down to earth and the kind of person that will be dedicated. I can be quite a homely person and just relax with cooking or takeaways and a good wine but I also don�t mind going out and seeing new places. I can be old school aswell ;)
What I want: I�m easy going and I�m looking for a woman who will love, respect me and have alot affection and dedication, because those are things I will give towards her in the relationship.