Davi123's ProfileLast logged in:  March 14, 2017
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Personal Details
Looking for a:Woman
Who is:30 to 44 years old
I am from:Waterkloof Ridge, Pretoria, South Africa
Not Rated

Profile Details
Basic Information
Marital Status: Divorced
Religion: Spiritual but not religious
Languages: Afrikaans, English
Referred by: Web Search Engine
Physical Appearance
Ethnicity: Caucasian (white)
Height: 6' 6" (198 cm)
Body Type: Average
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Best feature: I'll tell you later
Sense of humor: Clever: Nothing's better than a quick-witted comeback
Exercise: Once a week
Daily diet: Keep it healthy
Smoking: No
Drinking: Socially
Living situation: Live alone
Kids: Yes - but not at home
Want children: No
Professional Life
Job schedule: I work overtime some days
Current annual income: I make a comfortable living
Employment status: Self-employed
Education: Some tertiary education
Hobbies: For fun....I enjoy the theater, movies, live shows, music, braai, and cooking. I enjoy finding nice cozy restaurants that is hidden away. I also just like to every now and then brake away into the mountains to a nice resort. Spending quality time with friends, surrounding myself with positive people.....good bottle of red wine, candle light and good company......
Hot spots: I have a few nice romantic hideaway restaurants, any of them would be great. But it would be so much more fun finding a place together, it make life so much more fun to take time and seek out great spots. Good food is important and when we go out we should enjoy every moment ....,,
Sports: Golf, Weights / Machines, Dancing, Swimming
Favorite things: My favorite food, I must say lamb, there is a thousand and one dishes I can cook up with lamb. I also enjoy beef, veggies and ice cream. I enjoy blue, purple and green. There is so much good music out there, my all time favorite might not be known by many but google it, it�s beautiful, it�s called "Dance with me" by Orleans.
Last reading: I read business related books and enjoy the scriptures.
Common interests: Travelling, Shopping / Antiques, Music and concerts, Museums and art, Movies / Videos, Gardening / Landscaping, Dining out, Coffee and conversation, Business Networking, Cooking
Descriptive information
Date me: ....lol....how do you sell yourself? mmmmmm I am funny, I like to make other people laugh. I am a warm hearted passionate man with a lot of heart. I cry in cartoon movies not to speak of a great romantic movie. I enjoy people, try to see the best in them and also help them to be their absolute best. I love my boys to bit and I am a born dad.... If you my friend I will be there for you through thick and thin.....
What I want: A warm hearted lady, someone that also loves live. Someone that can live according to these points: Someone that understands that no person has the right to own another person Someone that understands that every person has the right to be her/himself Someone that understands that we all should be in control of our own happiness