jdjayman59's ProfileLast logged in:  November 25, 2014
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Personal Details
Looking for a:Woman
Who is:18 to 40 years old
I am from:casseldale springs, Benoni, South Africa
Not Rated

Profile Details
Basic Information
Marital Status: Widowed
Religion: Christian
Languages: English
Referred by: Web Search Engine
Physical Appearance
Ethnicity: Caucasian (white)
Height: 5' 5" (165 cm)
Body Type: A few extra pounds
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Blonde
Body art: Visible tattoo
Best feature: Smile
Sense of humor: Clever: Nothing's better than a quick-witted comeback, Friendly: I'll laugh at anything
Exercise: Once in a blue moon
Daily diet: Meat, starch and veg
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: Socially
Living situation: Live with familiy member(s)
Kids: No
Want children: Yes
Professional Life
Job schedule: I work overtime some days
Current annual income: I'll tell you later
Employment status: Self-employed
Education: High school
Hobbies: Well I rider my bike with my club. I love to watch movies, the gorier the better. I love to sing. Music is my escape. Love to make the woman I'm with feel like she is a queen
Hot spots: I don't really have favourite hangouts, I love the outdoors
Sports: Martial arts, Dancing
Favorite things: I love seafood, pizza and pasta dishes. Favourite colours are black red and silver. I like most music
Last reading: The last thing I read was the true blood series e books
Common interests: Camping, Coffee and conversation, Fishing / Hunting, Movies / Videos, Music and concerts, Religion / Spiritual
Descriptive information
Date me: I'm a real gentleman, open your door, pull out you chair sort of guy. If I can make you happy, then I'm in heaven
What I want: Love, loyalty, openminded fun loVing easygoing open to anything I can push you into the pool without you getting angry with me. Party hard with me when we do. Friendly, no moods, don't keep me dangling if you don't want me. Treat me as good as I treat you. Sensual, sexual